Customs formalities Customs regulations in Malaysia cruelty no different. Of course, prohibits the importation of drugs (punishment very severe-Death), weapons, pornography. Also, you can not import goods from Israel, coins or currency of the country, clothing printed on the texts of the Koran, radios, gold over 100 grams, antiques, wild birds and animals, plants and seeds rubber.
Some of the goods imported duty-free : carpets, clothing, jewellery, chocolate products, handbags. Imports of the products required to pay a certain amount for the "temporary import", which will be returned to you at the time of departure, and the goods must be presented for examination and a proof of payment. Cameras, watches, pens, lighters customs duties are not. Duty can be imported litre spirits, 200 cigarettes, perfume and cosmetics in the amount of not more than 200 ringgit. The import or export of foreign and local currency Health regulations Needless learnt from the cholera and smallpox prior to the visit to the country, but that the vaccination against malaria in the summer months (July-August) tourists traveling to the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak west and the north-east Sabah. Currency The local currency is the Malaysian Ringgit (RM), in one ringgite senov 100. Course Malaysian ringgit is around 3.75 ringgit to the dollar. In big cities, hotels, shops and restaurants to freely accept credit cards. There are banknotes 1.2 5,10,50,100, 500 and 1,000 ringgit, as well as coins 1,5,10,20, 50 senov and 1 ringgit.

Money changes in the banks and their offices at the airport, hotels and shopping malls. From Monday to Friday banks operate from 10:00 to 15:00, Saturdays from 09:30 to 11:30. Cash dollar and the euro to trade at ringgita exchange bureaux. There, and the course is better and commissions% of the clients were excluded. "Obmenniki open daily from 11:30 to 22:00. Major shopping centers are working every day from 10:00 to 22:00 without interruption, shops opening hours at 10 am and ends at 18:00. Souvenirs as a gift from Malaysia usually get fabrics and articles of tin and silver. Particularly good Malaysian batik (paintings on silk) and kain songket (silk with zoltami and silver threads).

Selling all this beauty every step of the way. Manners While in Malaysia, you must adhere to the rules of polite behavior that are different from the European. Located in the Malaysian house always want to remove shoes, as well as at the entrance to mosques and temples. It should not be run on the people and objects index finger of his right hand. Of the commonly used thumb, the remaining fingers bent underneath it. Women who go beyond the tourist zones, better dress and behave poskromnee. Needless sun at the local beaches Topless and the more the naturizmom.

Another recommendation to the tourists : from local residents better not get into religious debate. Especially if you believe that Islam needs to be serious changes and improvements. Tipping Tipping, as in most countries in the world, accounts for 10% of the order value. Hotel accommodation is a coin dignity 2 ringgit.

Transport Visit to the country could be leased to a car - if you are at least 18 (some agencies 23 years) and no more than 60 years. Taxis in Malaysia inexpensive. Hitchhiking not merely distributed, but possible. Single women travelled to categorically not recommended. In Kuala Lumpur convenient travelling in buses and subways ground. Price depends on the number of station and donations.