Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Taiwan, a large island located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean off the east coast of mainland China. Formally, Taiwan together with the surrounding smaller islands is a one of the provinces of China, but in fact, since 1949 it has functioned as an independent state of the Republic of China. (29.92 KB) (KB 2.60) (21.60 Kb) Like the Philippines in the south and Japan in the north, O.tayvan is one of the links in the chain of islands separating the continental shelf from the Asia Pacific basin. Taiwan separated from mainland China Taiwan Strait width ranges from 130 to 220 km. The island has a north-south 337 km. The intersection of the Tropic of Cancer Taiwan width is 142 km. The total area of the country is 36,002 square kilometres. km. This includes the 15 major group and 64 islands situated in the Taiwan Strait, called as a whole Pescadores (Eng-Penghu Islands). Cuema Islands (Gong), and Matsu are lying just off the coast of China's Fujian province and legally belong to the latter. NATURE Taiwan is located in a zone of high volcanic activity, but the level is lower than that in Japan and the Philippines. Relief. The topography on Taiwan is a chain of mountains running along the island's few east of the mid-mountains Taiwan (hr. Zhongyanshan or Tayvanshan). Among its many peaks exceeding 3,000 m above tree, the highest is Mount Yushan (3997 m). Macrosklon Tayvanskih Mountains is the west coast of the island with the exception of a length of 160 km between the cities of Hualian and Taidun. At this point, high-domed sharply lowered to the east, towards the Rift Valley width of less than 16 km. On Sea of the valley separates nizkogornyi Taidun ridge. To the west of Mount Zhongyanshan are rolling plains and foothills gradually accurately in the direction of the flat coastal plain adjacent to Tayvansky Florida. The western third of the island, where the majority of the population, are the main areas of land available for soelskohozaistvennog of use. There are numerous water flows sources originating in the watershed ridge. Of these, only two river reaches lengths of 160 km : R.zhoshuizi known, in its lower reaches, called Silo draining into Penkhushuidao Strait, and (Lower) Danshuizi draining into the South China Sea east of the city of Kaohsiung. As Danshuizi or less long R.danshuiha downstream navigable. Climate. The island has a humid subtropical climate in the north and rain in the south. The island is influenced Northeast winter and summer monsoon Southwest, as well as powerful typhoons during the summer season. Additional klimatoobrazutm factor is warm over Japan (Kuroshio). North-east monsoon in the period from October to March is in the northern part of the island cloudy and rainy weather. Most of the precipitation, keeping mussonom north, it is high up in the mountains on the way, the where, in one location annual rainfall is 6578 mm. In Taipei, in the north-west of the island, an annual precipitation exceeds 2000 mm. At the same time, in the southwestern part of the island for months can be sustained sunny dry weather. The area's rainy season lasts from May to September, when the prevailing westerly monsoon. In Teinane annual rainfall is about 1830 mm. The hurricane season, the night may fall to 2,030 mm of rain. The average temperature varies from 20 ° C in April to 28 ° C in the summer months, to decline to 14.5 ° C in January. However, the temperature on the island varies from north to south, and in accordance with the height above sea level, so that the highest mountains in winter are covered by snow. Natural vegetation and the soil. More than half of the island occupied by dense woodlands. The highest mountains covered virtually impassable forests of pine and other conifers. The occurrence kriptomeria, cypress, maple, laurel Nees. Cruz absorbed natural bamboo thickets. In the more arid western part of the island grows trees. In warm and humid regions have tropical plants. About a quarter of the island, including most of the coastal plains, covered with alluvial soils, damage from the mountains countless watercourses. These soil and the bulk of land with agricultural potential. The Ethiopian territories soil for the most part malomoschna and have PAHs reaction. PEOPLE Demographic indicators. According to the official assessment of 1 January 1998, the population of Taiwan is 21693 000. This is almost three times larger than at the time of the most recent wave of immigration from China, which took place in 1949, when the communists took control of the whole territory of mainland China and approx. 2 million Refugees fleeing to the continent to Taiwan by increasing the population by more than 30%. In 1997 the average population density of 601 people per sq km. km (on the average, Taiwan is the second largest in the world). As a result of the government's birth control with an average annual growth rate fell from 3.7% in 1950 to 1.0% in 1997. Nevertheless, the population is generally young : in the 1990s, more than 25% of the population was aged under 15 years, and only 8% of the population were over 65 years of age. Ethnic composition. With the exception of some 400,000 people. , Of the indigenous inhabitants of the island, almost all Taiwan residents are descendants of settlers from mainland China. The so-called peoples speak the languages of Artocarpus, Indonesian or uzhnochinaskoe origin. The Chinese population is not homogeneous. There is a considerable difference between the actual tayvanzami who had moved to the island prior to the 20. , And the immigrants who arrived after 1949. First come mainly from Fujiani and Guangdong, that is, coming to Taiwan provinces on the Chinese mainland, and their descendants speak the local dialect, commonly known as amoiski. Chinese immigrants later taken from different parts of China and dialect in which they speak, has become an official language of Taiwan. Some people on Taiwan older generation, which is education in 1895-1945, when the island was ruled by Japan, also has a Japanese language. Many educated Chinese, including some indigenous Taiwanese speak English. In the late 1980s, some 70,000 illegal immigrants mainly from Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines, working in Taiwan in factories and construction. About 55% of the population of Taiwan belong to a particular religious denomination. 22% of Taiwanese Buddhist, 20% senior and less than 4% Christianity.